A collection of tracks from my games, made freely available for use in any commercial or non-commercial projects under the CC0 licence. Permission or attribution is not required for use.

There's a range of tracks across multiple genres, available as standalone pieces or as seamless loops where appropriate.

All tracks are available in both .wav and .ogg formats to suit a range of requirements - just select the option you need from the download page.

I'll continue to update this page with tracks from new games and projects.

If you use these tracks in your games or in other projects I'd love to see how they turn out! Leave me a link in the comments section below :)

Huge thanks to torcado, who created the wonderful Scritch player for in-browser audio playback.

Not Jam Music Pack 2 now available!



To the extent possible under law, Not Jam has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Not Jam Music Pack. This work is published from: United Kingdom.


All music made in Renoise, with additional editing using Reaper.

Need more music? Check out NJ Mix #01, a chiptune pack I've put together inspired by the Gameboy sound chip.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(40 total ratings)
AuthorNot Jam
Made withRenoise
Tagschiptune, Lo-fi, Music, Retro, tracker
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Not Jam Music Pack (.OGG Format) 34 MB
Version 1.6.0
Not Jam Music Pack (.WAV Format) 411 MB
Version 1.6.0
SwitchWithMeTheme.wav 15 MB
DarkCavern_PhoneHome.wav 29 MB
DescendGameplay.wav 19 MB
DragAndDreadTheme.wav 12 MB
KleptoLindaCavernsA.wav 17 MB
KleptoLindaCavernsB.wav 17 MB
KleptoLindaCredits.wav 8.6 MB
KleptoLindaMountainA.wav 10 MB
KleptoLindaMountainB.wav 12 MB
KleptoLindaTitles.wav 7.6 MB
PitcherPerfectTheme.wav 13 MB
SeeingDouble.wav 9.2 MB
TitleTheme_PhoneHome.wav 10 MB
TypeCastTheme.wav 10 MB
UntitledTrack01.wav 7.8 MB
MeltdownTheme.wav 25 MB
CriticalTheme.wav 18 MB
HaroldParanormalInstigatorTheme.wav 16 MB
BreakbeatChips.wav 6 MB
CrashingOut.wav 6.9 MB
ChillMenu.wav 13 MB
VictoryLap.wav 9.7 MB

Development log


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just discovered this, what bangers! holy shit!


The game: (it's in Chinese...)

This is great! Love this work! 


Man! Thank you so so so much, wish you have a good day!


Thanks so much for the music! It really enhances the dark and mysterious atmosphere of my game!

My game:


Dude, you have no idea how timely your music appeared in my recommendations. After years of pondering, I finally decided to try making a simple platformer and was thinking for a long time about what musical accompaniment the game should have. As soon as I went to the website, I saw this music. Just from the heart, as they say, heart to heart.


Thanks so much - glad it's a good fit! Good luck with the platformer :)


Yo these are awesome, thank you! I'm using them in a prototype I'm working on where you play as a frog that has mechanics similar to Jump King. I made the sound effects in jummbox, but they seem to gel really well with the music provided here.


Love this - looks like great fun, and pixel art is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing :)


These songs are fantastic, really great work! Works perfectly in games or just for listening while vibing. Great collection!


Hello, I'm adding this audio pack to my FOSS game engine to be used in the demo (with credits listed of course), you can check it here: ArcadeFighter

Thanks  o/

Really great to see this being used in FOSS projects - thank you for sharing! Best of luck with the engine, looking forward to seeing what can be done with it :)


wow, this is exactly the kind of thing we were praying to find for our games. Thank you so much for making these XD


No worries at all, and thank you! :)


what program did you use to make these songs? They all have that good ol' gameboy/nes feel to them


I'm using Renoise for sequencing - love the old-school tracker workflow! - with a variety of VSTs.

Most of the chiptune-esque tracks use Soraboy, which is a fantastic VST for creating gameboy style sounds.

I'm also a big fan of TAL Noisemaker if I need more typical subtractive synthesis sounds

For soundfonts I use Sforzando and various sample packs from all sorts of places (being careful to check the licence terms, of course). I'm not especially fond of the interface, as it makes basic tasks like browsing through your sample library really clunky, but it's the best solution I've found for now.


This is a great music pack! Thank you for sharing it - I used one of the tracks in my new game:


This was great, thanks for sharing! The gradual increase in pitch and background warping is a lovely effect, felt really uncomfortable by coin 99 (in a good way, of course!)

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice music but i can't download new tracks separately

I'm using your music in my game. I'm going to release an update for it this week. Should i write here when the update will be released?

I've uploaded the missing tracks - thanks for pointing it out!

Please feel free to let me know when the update releases :)

with little delay but update released

The songs are very great! What name do I give you in the credits of my game? :D

Thank you! Not Jam is fine for the name, appreciate the credit :) 


The song is very cool, especially Mountain A song. We use that music for our game for join the game jam competition. and you know, we win on that competition :D.

thank you for your awesome music
this my game btw, if you want to play our game

Escape Plan 2000


Thank you! The game is great, really gets tricky in the later stages - the parking attendant is so fast!


ahahahaha, maybe we need some balancing, before we release full version of this game


Super dope! Using the Dark Cavern Theme for now for the main menu of a free game I am building :) Really nice work!


Thanks! Please feel free to send a link when the game releases, I'd love to check it out :)


I have used this music for many small projects in my videogame degree, your music is great!! This is our last game:


Thanks for sharing, love to see how people use the music! The game was great, tons of personality, and I always love a good top down shooter :)


Hi! Great stuff! I use your title Switch With Me in my game made for the b3agz Jam 2024. Here is the game: Ballon and Spikes by Stupid Robot (


Thanks for sharing! Love to see the tracks get used :)

It's a great little game too! Didn't manage to beat it (the level with the long, jagged path was too tough for me in the end), but the wind mechanic is a lot of fun to play with and makes for a really enjoyable challenge :)

(1 edit) (+1)


I released my game Geometry Caravan 2024 just yesterday and I used your song, Critical, is the main theme. I credited you in the description but I couldn't in the game itself.

Thanks for the putting the songs in the public domain. I really appreciate it.

Link to my game:


Really nice music! and you're waiving the credit/liscence too! thats more than kind of you, I hope you get donated well for the amount of quality you have provided,

Are you explicitly wanting no credit? There is a song in the pack I think would suit my game and thinking of remixing it to suit, I would love to put credit and link to this page if so.

thank you for publishing!


Thank you very much :)

You're more than welcome to credit me - always appreciate it! Feel free to drop a link to the game here too once it's live, I'd love to check it out


This music is awesome! Thank you for publishing it!


Thank you! Glad you like it :)


Hey! I used "TYPE:CAST" and "Phone Home" in my first game, Space Jerks. They were perfect for what I was going for. I put a credit in the game, and linked to your profile from the game's page.


Thanks for sharing and providing credit! This is great, absolutely love the artstyle and the foley sfx are very charming :)


Thank you for the compliments, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


Hey! I used your track "Critical Theme" from this bundle in a recent game jam submission.

Added credit on the game page if that's ok:

Thank you for the incredible tune!

Out of curiosity, would you happen to have a loopable version of that track available for purchase or download?


Thanks so much for sharing! The game is great, some lovely one bit pixel art, and a really solid gameplay loop that ties in really well with the narrative. Just about managed to get to the end and surrender to the DreadHand with just a couple of hearts left, difficulty felt perfect. Loved little details like the level decreasing as you give up your power :)

There's loopable versions of all of the tracks in the main download labelled "all tracks", but if you've got data restrictions on downloads I'd be happy to temporarily upload the loopable version if that would help?


No idea how I missed that folder with the loopable tracks.  Perfect!

Glad you enjoyed the game too! Really appreciate the kind words.

(1 edit) (+1)

I will be sure to credit you and these are amazing


Thank you very much :) if you end up using them please feel free to send me a link to your project, would love to check it out! 




Thank you, you are my hero.


Very good bro, it's rare to find people like you who let you use free music without any problem

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks! Happy to share :) 


Hello, awesome author! I used one of your soundtracks in my game and here the link Maybe you'll find it funny <3


Hi! Thanks so much for sharing, love to see the music being used

The game is a lot of fun :) love the bird's jump/eat animation, I can relate to that kind of love for food!


Спасибо за саундтреки. Если я сделаю свою игру, то я укажу тебя в титрах


Thanks! Hope the game goes well for you :) 


rad rad rad


Thanks so much :)


This is nice. I didn't know you made all the songs yourself. They sound like they are made by someone who knows about music theory. I might use them in a new game if I ever make one ^^


Thanks! I'd be delighted if they were used in other games, please share a link if you do :) 


I practiced making 3D game following GDQuest's "Squash the Creeps" tutorial. I used one of your song for the game, and it really improves the game!


Delighted to see (hear?) it being used!


I loved the songs! Would you be able to upload the separate files? So you don't have to download the whole pack for 1 or 2 songs


Really happy you liked them! I've uploaded all of the separate standalone files, if you need any of the loopable tracks let me know and I'll add the ones you need :)


Thanks man! Sorry disturb you